Originally Posted by cmajewsk
I gave this ROM a shot but I am going back to dB_ROM WM 6.5 ROM. It's so much soother. He uses the larger menus everywhere even if you elect to go with the “No Manila” ROM. He also already has ATContacts, CHome Editor (you don’t have to stop and start Chome), Titanium Weather to 4.2, four-column Start menu. Plus he has none of these issues above…oh well nice try mighty
well, the album/camera is a deal breaker for me, i need the old album back and it was much better, i know this is a mighty rom thread but im gonna try this rom your talking about when i get home from work..... oooooooh boy, if mighty just kept the album the same, id stay with this rom, its a learning lesson for me, if i ever see the album 3 in a rom, im running.....