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Old 05-07-2009, 09:06 PM
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Re: Impressively horrible battery life

Originally Posted by kevm14 View Post
But I still don't understand the data disconnect one...I could never answer a phone call properly with that one.
I'm using diamond tweak to set the data disconnect at 1 minute. Haven't had issues answering calls since making that change.

I think part of the reason we all get different issues might be that we're all running such wildly different configurations. Yeah we all start with the same hardware (except the poor Verizon guys), but everyone lives in a different part of the country, most are on custom ROMs in various states of development, most have a multitude of tweaks, apps and registry edits, etc. etc. Hard to say that something which works well for me would work well for anyone else. So much is trial and error....but that's part of the fun too. For me at least.

As for the guys getting 2 days out of a charge - I'm inclined to believe it. Now 2 days with heavy use? That is stretching the limits of my imagination a bit. But I'm sure stranger things have happened. Again going back to what I said earlier if you have a great signal chances are your battery will last significantly longer than those of us on the fringe of a signal.
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