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Old 05-07-2009, 07:46 PM
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Re: Ontario ban's Texting & Talking while driving

I don't live in Ontario, CA, but I'd like to point out that this is another example of stupid, incompetent people ruining life for others. All it takes to ruin productivity on the go for normal people is a few partial-birth, pea brains to cause accidents - when they really have no business driving in the first place.

This is the first time (and hopefully the last) I'm proud to live in Nebraska. We have insurance to protect us against those drivers who shouldn't be on the road anyway. Why in the world do we need laws telling people what to do? Is the same idiot that causes an accident while texting any safer without the phone?

<Oh dear God, I'm starting to sound Republican.>

They'll just spend less focus on driving, and more on *not getting caught.*

I've had Treos, A centro, Several Windows Mobile phones, both iPhones, and even the god-forsaken Instinct. I can proudly say I text while driving without causing accidents.

There's no art to it. You can either drive defensively, or you can't. For the less-competent, the idea is to text at stops... leaving the driving for driving.

But hey... whatever floats your boat (or sinks it).

Just my $0.02 (adjusted for deflation) .
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