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Old 05-07-2009, 07:13 PM
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Re: Impressively horrible battery life

Hmmm...personally I would call your text use moderate, but I agree the rest is very light. How is your signal where you usually use your phone. It seems that being in a poor signal area really kills the battery quickly.

Maybe that's why some folks here report battery life at a day or two and others get only 6-10 hours. I am, unfortunately, in the latter camp. Poor signal and poor battery life. All the tweaking I've done has definitely helped, but it's no match for my old BBerry 8830. I would say on its best day my TP has about 1/3 of the battery life of my old BBerry.

One thing I absolutely LOVED about the BBerry was the ability to schedule the phone to shut down completely and start back up. I had it set to shut off at midnight and then turn on again at 7am M-F and shut down at 3am and start up at 10am on weekends. Why does WinMo not have a setting or app to take care of this? Seems like a HUGE oversight. This alone could reduce the need to charge the phone so much. Frankly I am shocked that this is not included in WinMo 6.5 so far. Perhaps the official release will give us some more goodies (a la Win7 beta versus Win7 release candidate which includes virtual XP mode), but I doubt it.
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