Re: CRICKET PST Settings Thread! by Ryan Mogul
I hope this isn't a duplicate. I'm new to this site. I thought I posted this message last night, but can't find it, so here it is again. Sorry if it is a dupe.
Re: CRICKET PST Settings Thread! by Ryan Mogul
Thanks for an incredible post. I have an odd problem though.
I recently obtained a ppc 6700 flashed to cricket. I'm not sure how to tell you the rom or rom version.
It worked fine on the internet. Two things then happened pretty much simultaneously.
1. I made a porting request to cricket. I requested they port my alltel phone number over to my cricket phone. My Cricket phone # changed from 602465xxxx to 602469xxxx as a result.
2. During the porting process time (4hrs) my phone locked up me. A soft reboot would not get it past the green windows screen. I finally hard booted it.
The following morning I *228 the phone and all was well except the internet.
At first I thought it was the lockup that ruined me, now I'm beginning to think its Cricket.
I have done many things including your tutorial. THE ODD THING is that although my new number is 602469xxxx, my MSID is 615954xxxx
THE AREA CODE AND NUMBER ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT for the MSID than for my phone. When I changed the MSID my phone quit working until I *228 it. The MSID reverted back to 615954xxxx and the phone started working.
The errors that I keep getting are
Error code: 1012 Could not prepare data services. Please Try Again Later. If the problem persists you may need to contact service provider.
Your username or password is wrong. To check your connection settings and change them if needed, tap settings. It the problem continues, turn the device off and try again.
I am suspicious that my cricket password and user settings should look more like my MSID than my actual phone number. I tried both numbers in all the places I could. I still can't get on the internet. WiFi internet works fine
I have made many calls to cricket because I think they screwed up my settings when they ported my phone number from Alltel, but Cricket Tech Support is totally worthless. As soon as they see I have a flashed phone, they start with the disclaimers and then back out. The cricket stores are even worse. I am beginning to believe that the reason flashed phones don't work is because the *228 is an incomplete programming from Cricket.
I have spent about 20hrs on this so far, and am getting nowhere. Any Suggestions? Everything of use that I've done has come from searching forums like this, and from helpful tech gurus like yourself. I hate to be a pain, but if you can, I would appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance.