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Old 05-07-2009, 11:30 AM
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Re: How to Brick a Titan

Don't damage the phone, don't "lose" it either. Just call asurion, say its not working right and pay the deductible to get your new phone. Insurane fraud? WTFE! You pay almost 100 dollars a year for insurance, plus the 100 dollar deductible. Thing is, insurance companies MAKE money. Thay make money becuase they don't do as many replacements that are theoretically possible (ie everyone with insurance, filing a claim). However, if a lot of people do this, it will inevitibyl lead to higher insurance premiums. But, you get 2 repacemnents a year for a reason...

Last edited by mlin; 05-07-2009 at 11:44 AM.
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