Originally Posted by dishe
LOL... this guy is complaining about reception, when his phone hasn't ACTUALLY had a problem with reception at all!
Look, if the phone can't actually make a call where your TREO could, then you can come here and tell us you actually have a problem.
This is only a "perceived" problem, especially if everything works as it should when you need it! You say you made a call and it jumped to 1x with a couple of bars- that's exactly what it SHOULD do! If anything, boo on the palm for not telling you the difference between data and voice signals!
As far as the battery goes, that is one of the few downsides of this device... Battery drain is high, especially when surfing EVDO. I always charged all my PDAs at night so as long as it makes it through the day its ok.
I've been in Verizon for years, and I know the EV and 1x difference, or maybe Sprint does things differently. When I used my heavily hacked moto E816, I got solid EV and full 5 bars both at home and in the office, I use that device surf the web as well, but I don't see this whole "calls on 1x, data on EV" scene. People used to complain a lot about how the EV and 1x switch drained their E815 batteries so they would force the phone in EV or 1x when they are in "fringe area".
From the coverage map, I don't see these two places in any "fringe area" and my battery drained a lot faster than the Treo.