Originally Posted by indagroove
Originally Posted by Trident
That's what he wants.
This is what he can hope for -> 
And this is what he's likely to get -> 
Haha thats some funny Sh*T
Originally Posted by Dreading
Mystery, just wanted to say thanks. For the next two months or more, I am not going to have any time to be flashing or doing any informal beta testing of ROMs. So, I've just needed something I like and that works well. I think the 4/26 HD Rom is going work great for me. I like the programs and it's fast and smooth. I've installed an XDA theme that I like on it, and that's working fine as well. So, thanks a million and keep up the great work.
Yeah that was my Final 6.1 ROM which seems to be really stable. Glad you like it!
Originally Posted by superfly350
So when I try to change ring tones, alarms, sounds etc. About 3/4 of them say file is either corrupted or missing. I have flashed back to stock, clear storage. Flash to mystery, clear storage and still get the error. But in the windows folder under rings everything is there and will play in media player??? This is the only problem thus far in about 3 days of use. Otherwise love the rom, have crazy girls at work asking me to do their Diamonds.
I am using Calkulins kitchen and I thought he had fixed this issue! Didn't notice this because I usually have my phone on vibrate and flash to much to even use my custom ring tones. I will keep a look at this bug and see what I can do to fix this. Next release will probably take some time because I will have to do a lot of testing to see if the ring tone issue is gone.