Originally Posted by mstevens
Everything I have ever read about lithium batteries suggests that this is complete poppy**** and that only nickel cadmium batteries suffer from significant "memory effect" (and nickel metal hydride ones only a little bit). However, I'm a doctor, dammit Jim! Not some pointy-eared electrical engineer!
I'll see if I can come up with another battery to see if it behaves any differently.
Well I've tested this on various cell phones. LG Env, LG 5400 (both on Verizon), and the Mogul/6800 on Verizon. The 6800 was especially shocking with its results. I had a brand new extended battery..just charged it and I'd get maybe 1 day out of it before needing to charge. I exchanged it, discharged the new one and then full charged it. I got 2-3 days.
Everything I've read has told me this should not be so..but its been my experience. Since then I stick with that and do two discharges for the hell of it.