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Old 05-06-2009, 03:48 PM
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Re: is it just me?? -rant-

Originally Posted by Kash76 View Post
I certainly hope so but am guessing they are going to keep adding to their existing base of code which would mean the same old thing, poor battery and poor performance.

Look at how smooth the iPhone (I know, no multitasking and that's valid), BB Storm and Pre (need to see for myself) are. I just think that we have underpowered devices due to battery like previous posters suggest and the OS is too bloated.
Yeah... when you start running programs in the background of the iphone, it doesn't fare nearly as well.

Still, my friend's iPhone in stock form doesn't perform that much better than my TP does... Yes, it's better, without a doubt, but the big reason it FEELS so much better is that it has smooth transitions between everything. Small animations that play well make a huge impact on what the end user percieves as speed. The super-smooth scrolling adds to this effect - if we didn't have to rely on QTV for decent video performance, I'd expect to be able to see the same out of an HTC phone. Look at the G1, for example.

The BB Storm is garbage... I played with one for a while and was not impressed with the speed or usability, at all. The Palm Pre will probably be nice, but I'm not interested in it.

The iPhone speed is primarily an illusion... If you know what you're looking for, you'll still see the same pauses and hesitations that are present in WM - they're just covered up by black screens on the iPhone.
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