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Old 05-06-2009, 02:57 PM
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Re: Impressively horrible battery life

Run the battery tweaks and/or switch to a custom rom, but don't expect miracles. If you're fortunate to stay well within a strong signal area throughout your day, you may end up with acceptable battery life. OTH, if you go in and out of roaming or evdo coverage, this phone can chew through a battery like no ones buisness. If I forget to turn off the radio while going under the river into Penn Station, it will cost me ~10% bat life in ~ 7 min. My best advise? Get a second (or third) battery and a charger. You can often get a battery for free if you go into a Sprint repair center and complain poliitely about the suck *** battery life and a combo wall/usb battery charger can be had off ebay for ~$10-$15 with a cheap aftermarket battery that you may not want to use. If you want to feel better about the TP's battery life, befriend someone with a G1.
FU Ninjamom!
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