Originally Posted by Procter
The indicator changes to "1x" with more bars (2-3) when there's a call ongoing, then switched back to EV with no bar or 1 bar.
theres your key...
the 6800 is showing the EV signal strength when you are not in a call. calls are made on the 1x network.
You are probably picking up a decent 1x signal, and a weak Ev signal. Run /windows/fieldtrial.exe and you can see actual db readings.
On that note, Ive never used a treo personally, but differnet devices report "bars" differently. The only true comparison is the db reading in the field tests.
My motoQ and mogul get strange reception comparisons by bars, but if you look at each field test, you'll see the mogul actually picking up a few db more than the Q consistently.
You should be able to switch between "1X" and "HDR" in the field test of the 6800, to see your 1x and evdo db readings.