Originally Posted by Trident
The dates of production of the device - remember with the Apache? Some with old Sprint logos (red) had options that later (yellow) did not. Maybe there is something in the chip that affects processing without a specific [OEM] driver or something. I'm not a techie about this stuff, but I just remember having devices that were just not able to do things that seemingly identical devices were capable.
It seems like a good idea to compare the device information along with a statement about whether one is having the ringtone issue or not.
Mine looks identical to both of yours in all the non-PRL data, and I'm NOT having the ringtone issue. I haven't seen it since MR4.7.
I really need to look at the way I post things. Didn't mean to sound harsh...
We is cool.
nah its cool i thought u said the hardware was different, thats my bad man, i aint a techy when it comes to phones, but i know computers and things change, get re designed through the time span of them being released thats why i think maybe theres different versions of something somewhere