Originally Posted by wmdunn
That's good ... at least you have your phone working. I think that if it were me, I would try another custom rom at this point. DryBonz has a really nice one, and he is a stickler for detail. It's based on Calcu's kitchen, but is quite complete. Another one to try is Indagroove's "simple" rom. I see where he updated it last night or this morning. Can't go wrong with his work. Of course, if you try one and don't like it ... it's back to "shipped" before trying another. Let us know how it goes ... good luck!
Thanks, my thoughts are the same - im going to try something else for a bit. That way i'll get a sense of what the issue might be. If its consistently, inconsistent, then i know its my phone. If not then i'll have to make more assumptions.
Cheers and thanks for all of your help....