Originally Posted by Stoney60
Change log says its fixed--it isn't. Only difference I can tell right off hand is it's missing a bunch of stuff people used. I honestly don't see any reason to change. I don't believe I said anything about Mike working harder.
A little patience goes a long ways and doesn't leave a bad taste in peoples mouths.
I thought that maybe I just didn't understand this guy and it was my fault when the dialogue I had earlier went all wrong. Glad it isn't just me.
To clarify: This ROM
does fix the issues for most people. Look into the
possibility that there is some sort of conflict on
your device. The utilities that were left out were done that way so that you could pick which ones you wanted to use. You might want to investigate as it could even help solve seemingly unrelated issues. If you
still don't see a reason to change and you
still have the ringtone issues
only with
MR, check out some of the very good other ROMs that are available for the Diamond right now.
As for the "working harder" comment. Let me help explain what the other poster was trying to say. Your regular complaining and lack of contribution of anything valuable that might help solve the problem is what will NOT encourage anyone, Mike included, to work AT ALL to help solve your problem. It's not that you said, "Mike, don't work hard." It's that your attitude is negative at best. Which brings me to your hypocrisy (and the reason that I included the second part of your signature in my quote of your post).
The stuff you are saying "leaves a bad taste in people's mouths". If you want to fix the issue-
give some information that can help fix it. Offer to try something new and let people know what you've done that works and doesn't work. If none of that works for you, feel free to make your own ROM or go back to stock.
I think that's worth $0.05.
And Stoney60 goes back on my Ignore list.