Originally Posted by lordshadowz
Hi !
I'm a longtime xv6700 (Apache) user too. As to installing the custom themes, as long as you download the ones LilRico made that are on page 8 of this thread they are completely uninstallable and 100% compatible. Lilrico made some really nice themes. Take a look at the mods I've done to mine, the link is in the signature. You won't have to hard reset, just simply uninstall.
As to the PP.. I've heard people say before they've run it at 4. I run mine at 8 and have 47 megs of ram available if I don't use the dialer. Maybe next time I flash I will try 4 to see the speed difference. Thanks for posting that.
BTW Billy, Thanks for the Verizon TP FAQ, it was an invaluable reference for me from day one..
XV6700->VZW Touch Pro (Tough Transition)
Running: Latest Stock VZW ROM for the working Voice Command (PagePool@8MB)
What I would be running if VC worked: MightyROM 4/R3BORN 06/01/09
Radio: Latest VZW Stock (Will likely switch to 1.07.06F)
Locker: Pocket Shield
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