Originally Posted by lasteclispe
Ok so after a day of using my phone like this I can honestly say I don't see a difference. The speed seems the same, gps seems the same. All the multimedia apps I use seem to be the same.
The only difference I see is the interface. Custom rom aside what exactly is the point of windows mobile 6.5? all the apps seem the same.
But then again I had my stock phone pretty tricked out with custom interface and such. maybe thats why I dont see a difference?
well you went with mightyrom 5 which is a beta version and is pretty loaded down with tons of apps, i mean my rom runs a whole lot faster then sprints rom, and i mean i dont have as much apps as sprint, like sprint tv i dont use that so its not there i mean if you try mine, pyski or phantom roms which are more lighted with apps you can tell the speed but even in mighty you can totaly tell the difference in speed.