Originally Posted by kjhadfield
ok, thank you, so now let me get ur opinion!?
the additions for diamond2 are screen size, sd card and camera! and for the pro2 its screen size, is .4 more than diam2 that big of of a difference? can you really see the difference? and the tilt kb seems alright but i never had a kb so either or is not a big deal. but camera is not as big as diam2, is that much a difference in the quality? i mean is 5 way better than 3.2?
and i'm guessing pro2 is coming before diam2? and last, whar was that about the touch hd coming 2 sprint!?
thanks for your help and thoughts
Yes both Diamond 2 & Pro 2 are coming to Sprint, with their track record the Diamond 2 will release first and 1 month later the Pro 2; September & October respectively. The camera on the diamond 2 is 5 megapixels and Pro 2 is still 3.2. If you take a pic with both phone at 10ft away with the naked eye the diamond 2 will look slightly cleaner no big deal. Where the difference kicks in at is when you zoom in on the 10ft pic! The screen is a noticeable difference on the Pro 2 than the Diamond 2. I two never had a KB device that's why I'm waiting to get the Pro 2, initially I wanted the Pro but the Pro 2 will release in October so I'll wait for it. Pro 2 compared to the pro is very little difference but the screen size, KB (the actual buttons on the KB are noticeably bigger for typing fiends or experts) windows 6.5 and faster response time (More fluidness). In my Ultimate opinion it will boil down to the 5 megapixel camera and people who dont care about KB's or the 3.6 WVGA screen........... and the winner is Pro 2 (b/c i want the big screen and never had KB device) and even if a had a KB device I still want the Big screen. And NO the Touch HD will not come to sprint! In essence that's what the Pro 2 is. Touch HD = 3.8 WVGA screen & Pro 2 = 3.6 + KB!