Re: Asurion now replacing the Touch for the Diamond
ok so i have a few questions on how this works!? i like the vogue but i'm in need of new! i can upgrade my phone, cuz contract is up but i really want to wait till pro2. and thats to long, so say my phone was messing up and i made a claim, but if no vogues were in stock i would get the diamond? for the same price ductible 100? but i dont want a diamond cuz of the no sd card slot, so how could i try an get the pro? would i have to make a claim over phone to try for a pro or is there something online that could make that happen? and if i could get the pro would it be still 100? also would by getting either diamond or pro as replacement would sprint renew my contract? or would i still be able to get the pro2 wwhen it releases w/ my 150 off to renew contract?
thanks for any help
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