Originally Posted by ptfdmedic
Just use the touch pro kitchen cmd and it works just fine.........
Confirmed... I have a sweet 21502 to test now! The only issue I had cooking was the SetVolume 0.5.0 OEM; it has a background.png file that conflicts w/Opera OEM. Also, the Tachi Comm OEM is same as Diamond Touch 2 HD, and having both in the OEM folder will cause BuildOS to crash.
I'm loving the look and performance of this build, and may not even need SPB MS3... well maybe not
Calku, thanks for the fastidious workmanship I'd PayPal U a few beers, but don't see a link for that... let me know via PM.
Cheers - DA
Update: Checked memory, and Storage memory reports incorrectly total 87MB: this is same issue I had w/21215 Calku build ported to TP yesterday. Program memory is fine, but not sure what's causing the Storage memory issue... seems it's related to porting from Diamond??