Do you mind posting theme cab (or URL for the cab) that you used? Thanks!
Originally Posted by lordshadowz
I tell ya since I've loaded R3Born I'm really digging 6.1 again and TF3D. Also I was wrong in my last report, WMWifirouter works just fine. It was my fault it wasnt working and I fixed it. I also do NOT have the camera bug that others are reporting. No blank scrrens and the camera is working. Its sweet because its payback for all of you who didnt get the corruption issue in Mighty rom5 while I suffered with it! hehe.
I do have a question. How do you enlarge the start menu so its more finger friendly? For the life of me I cannot remember where the setting is and I looked.
Ive been tinkering around with TF3D. Thanks to Arelas for many mods. Heres a pic of my main screen. Notice all the mods, even the soft keys.
