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Old 05-03-2009, 10:57 PM
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Re: Adrynalyne's Base and M2D ROMs v. 1.3

Originally Posted by Phantom27 View Post
This might be a stupid question but....

I have never used M2D except with Adrynalyne's 1.2 M2D ROM. It's cool but... I don't know... I haven't made a decision yet. I kind of like the basic today screen because I use PhoneAlarm Pro. Anyway. I know there is a 19b installer cab for M2D but I'm wondering what other stuff is installed also in the ROM (I know rotation service is). I'm thinking about installing the cab and thatway I have the choice of removing it if I decide I don't like it.

Anybody got $.02 about this?

Ok, if you want what is already in my m2d rom, here is the list.

M2D 19b--same version you would get with the all in one installer.
M2D Customizer, latest version. Name is obvious for function.
ssmaho--latest version. For remapping functions in M2D.
clean ram--frees up ram, with m2d and touchflo 3d in mind.
Latest google maps.
Latest youtubeplay.
HTC Task Manager 2.1.
Asphalt 4 (Installs to My storage). Uses accelerometer.
Latest rotation service.

Otherwise, its the base rom. I build base first and fix bugs, then just add the above as oem modules. Just using a roundabout figure, thats about 30mb of apps.

Myself I use the base, and install those separately, so I am not stuck with the choice. For others who are content with M2D, it is a well rounded rom that performs well. I can tell you that download statistic wise, the base rom is 2-3 times more popular. Maybe people think like we do and want choice?

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 05-03-2009 at 11:04 PM.