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Old 05-03-2009, 08:03 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by decibel View Post
As I said before, WMWidgets seems to be a culprit as riplugin.dll has allocation issues. If I collapse this bad boy down to file before build time, it worky workies. I have to test the above theory of it breaking when manila enables. If that is the case, I should be able to throw a debug log on that and find its culprit.

Memory allocations can be funny in many ways. It's hard to explain how they work, and how G'Reloc/WM'Reloc do what they do. To put your theory to bed about "too many things", that is not the case. I thought it might have been this as well. I had it happen on a regular basis, and I removed like 5 "other oems" from my builds. This dropped the size by 20MB. But the error was still there. It really doesn't have a lot to do with "too much stuff" as it does with 'allocations' in general. There is a thread somewhere explaining how allocations work in 6.5/6.1 and so forth. I believe I read it on the MSDN site. Da_G pointed it to me one day, but I forgot to bookmark it.
WMWidgets was out of the build. It shows up as an option in PPCK and I had it unchecked and the problem is still there.

Also, I do understand the general theory being what G'Reloc and WMreloc do, that's why I don't get why adding more files to the build like I did (i.e. an OEM without modules) would cause particular issue to occur since files don't get allocated.

Last edited by joojoobee666; 05-03-2009 at 09:43 PM.
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