Originally Posted by decibel
Sure do.. still wish it was that easy. Like I said, they play fine when you call, receive text, etc. But Sounds&Notifications complains all to he11.
Crap... I'm trying to port to Diamond (GSM), and I get the same issue.. can't change Sounds/Notifications!
The other problem is that some shortcuts under Settings don't even launch anything! e.g. Device Information
I used the SYS 21502 rom my QVGA build, and just replaced the DPI_96 files with the DPI_192 files from my SYS 21501 build.
EDIT: Now I tried 21215, but in some of the Settings screens, the resolution is squished down to 1/4 of the screen.. eg. Sounds & Notifications (same problem happens with my 21051 DPI_192 files and Conflipper's 21202 DPI_192 files)