Re: Copper v. [6.5.21500 Build 21500] [16MBPP] [UC Compatible]
I'm on Cricket just outside Charlotte NC. Running Copper as of late last night. Sprint 1.11 radio, only reg hacks are for mms & data. On all other ROMS I was down to 10-20% by 1-2pm (turned on at 7:30 at 100%) with mild to moderate use. Silence9 was best for me. Today was my first day with Copper and I was finally able to go the day without charging. That was with more use than normal as well as wifi turned on all day which I never did before.
If your'e getting a day or a day and a half count yourself lucky! I don't think many people are getting that much out of their TP. I was happy to get a day out of my phone was starting to feel crippled by always needing that charger near by. I just came from a vzw blackberry that needed a charge every 2 days with moderate use so going only half a day really sucked.