05-01-2009, 09:03 PM
College ROM Teacher ESQ
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Re: [ Apr 25 \ 21043(6.1) & 21501(6.5) v1.6.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs
i havent had a single problem with nuekb...i cooked it into my rom and works great..have you tried the older version? ill look to see what version i got...
p.s. you didnt post any screenies
Originally Posted by Matt
First I must say, I've used quite a few 6.5 ROMs, and yours has worked the best and been the most reliable of all I've used, so THANK YOU for your hard work on this ROM. Your work is unfortunately quite underrated and I am extremely impressed.
I wanted to throw in a few problems (I searched and didn't see this mentioned, so don't chastise me!):
-No2Chem's new nuekb program caused this device to go nuts. Attached are the two screenshots that caused this. The problem happened immediately after the soft reset with his program, the newest version (I think 1.14 if my memory serves me right).
-I've had a few instances, with only minimal software installed, that the start menu does not work on a fresh boot. A soft reset fixes this of course, but its happened maybe two or three times in the last few days of using this ROM. The only programs installed when this happened were SPB Backup, diamond tweak, PPCPimBackup, Bejeweled, Resco File Explorer, WMWifiRouter, Netflix, PHM Regedit, and Coreplayer.