Originally Posted by pmoreau
I absolutely agree.
The problem is that GSM is used in more countries than CDMA so has a larger market so most of the new cool phones come out with GSM first then CDMA, if at all.....
I am perfectly aware that CDMA is a superior technology. That doesn't mean it doesn't suck. The advantage with GSM is I can easily switch phones in just a few seconds. Also I can switch carriers in just a few seconds. To switch carriers on a CDMA device takes a hour or two. Otherwise I totally agree with Juicy.
And I am also aware about Juicy's comment on LTE. That's like saying "I love 3G phones!" That's a descriptor of the third gen of mobile technology. Hence when I say "Go LTE!!!" I'm talking about how I love the theoretical 50MBits over cellular that most (AT&T and Verizon) will be promising.