Originally Posted by ebuzz
What I'm also trying to find out is why ppl like a particular ROM. Is it the speed, the apps, theme, or what?
I like Juggalo's ROM because he took the extra time to cater to Sprint people while he was on Telus. You won't find things like the sprint music store not working, no update profile/update prl in settings, the phone not being registered as a SPRINT branded diamond on powerdeck/other websites.
And the WM 6.1 build he uses is flawless.
EDIT: I'm currently using Calkulin's kitchen to cook my own ROMs as Juggalo has not made an update to his Diamond ROM in quite some time.
I didn't know Calkulin had made a Touch Pro kitchen. In that case I HIGHLY recommend Calkulin's kitchen if you want a minimalistic ROM. I built a minimalistic ROM with it and couldn't be happier. I built my ROM without TF3D/Manila or the HTC Dialer incase I decide to install either later I can. And since neither are cooked in, you get extra space and you don't have to worry about overwriting manila/dialer ROM files if you ever wanted to switch, just uninstall your current, install a new one and you're good to go.