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Old 05-01-2009, 04:57 PM
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Re: Best GPS Navigation system for Omnia with unlocked GPS

Originally Posted by theidoctor View Post
Im actually using igo 8 with north American maps.... it is so much better now that i finally found the POI's for my area... there were building files as well for the US, but i have yet to see it in action yet...

I would really like to see igo 8 work with the building and 3d terrain, but once i do more testing with it, i should see where it works.

I do like igo 8 a lot better than garmin.... mainly because it is faster to load....

if garmin were faster,i would prefer them because of the extra live features that they have like traffic, weather, etc
im using ocn8 and building veiws are amazing ill try to post some flix only thing sux about ocn8 is the fact that you have to use there sd card which is only 2g and concidering the program uses more then half of that heres a cool site for themes and voices buildings ect its for igo but can be used on ocn if you have igo8 use igo 8 themes ect if you have 8.3 use 8.3 themes ect hope its ok to post that site if not you can pm me
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Last edited by maxtcee; 05-01-2009 at 06:02 PM.