Originally Posted by vipertk8
Usually a soft reset after certain changes fixes most of the problems. Make sure you back up frequently because you never know when a program messes your phone.....it happened to me earlier when i forgot to soft reset after applying the black keypad.
Yea!! After getting mostly everything fixed and playing around with it for a few hours it makes it all worth while. Normally when I flash to a new rom I just test it out a bit and if nothing works just like I want it to i switch rom's again. But I didnt want to switch from psykiROM dunno why! It was love at first site, even with a couple of the bugs :P I personally didnt experience the Ringer problem a lot of you guys are.. Maybe hard reset your phone which you can do by....
Shutting off your device/ Hold down Vol - / D-Pad / Power button (A screen should pop up telling you to press the Vol + button to hard reset)
IF you think what i USE to think... That a hard reset will restore your phone to stock, or mess up your phone then your wrong. After you hard reset you will still be on PsykiROM V2. So just try it out and maybe you will have better luck