ppc bluetooth horrible?
hey everyone i bought a bluetooth headset(pantronics explorer 300 i thnk) the other day and i brought it back because of like static noises i get in it when im close to the phone or not even that far. so i bought another one which is a bit better better(jabra 250v) i still here these noises when using it. so i tried it on a razr and you can hear perfectly clear through it even when far away from it. so my question is....is the bluetooth on the ppc good or not really because i think that is why even when the phone is near i have to shift the phone to the same side of my body where the headset is to kind of get rid of the static like noises? i hear perfectly clear when im not using it or when im using the headphones that came in the box. im really getting fustrated by this expensive phone. can someone please help?