Originally Posted by aaron130
What is this?
Oem Opera for the next release. Intended for BMX.
Originally Posted by ronblayze
So here's something I noticed, if you guys switch the theme other than the one thats on the phone already, your notfications wont work, such as missed calls, text messages, etc. The battery meter also freezes and will not show the actual percentage.
The first thing I did was switch the theme and I have not seen this in V2 but it was present for V1.
Originally Posted by AznGunner
How do you do a hard reset after flashing the rom?
Depends on the carrier. I prefer 'clear storage' myself. START\SETTINGS\SYSTEM\CLEAR_STORAGE
Originally Posted by ibmxx187
hmm im going to take the theme off for the next release and include cabs to change it yourself.
or im going to make my own havent decided yet.
Decisions decisions......... the more custom the better ,lol.
EDIT lol. I am having issues with the weather, I cannot tap on the weather at all to set it up or it just spins the hourglass indefinitely. The only way to stop it is to soft reset. I tried this MANY times last night and even let it sit overnight and the hourglass was still spinning.