Thread: Sprite backup
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Old 11-04-2006, 09:48 AM
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Sprite backup

Is any one else using this? I have been using this for a couple of weeks and it has really saved me a couple of times. I am not sure how spb's backup works but with sprite you will get everything back. I mean everything, text messages, call log, loaded programs, notes.... everything back the way it was the moment you made the backup file. If you hard reset and are away from your pc you can create a backup on your SD card it contains all that is needed to backup. You just double click the sprite file from file explorer and the file loads sprit back on the PPC then starts the back up. In just a couple of minuets you are back up and running in the same condition as the minute the file was created.

Best of all this program is on the CD that came with the 700wx so its FREE
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Robert Kennedy

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