Re: EzInput 2.0 Compact QWERTY (UPDATE3)
Thanks guys. I was away on vacation for a while and haven't been keeping up with this thread.
I remember others complaining about the symbols problem when hitting the start menu button, even for EZInput releases made by others. Apparently it is a problem with this build of EZInput 2.0, though I have not experienced the problem myself. I have a newer build and will try to port that sometime soon (likely tonight). Hopefully this will correct this problem.
I also need to finally get the .cab to correctly uninstall. Everytime I've tried making it uninstallable, it freezes my phone and requires a hard-reset. I also have not been able to create a working OEM based on my .cab. The OEM cooks correctly into a ROM, but the keyboard is not visible when selecting it.
Not sure about compact qwerty in landscape. It's something I could look into eventually. But I first want to get these uninstallable CAB and OEM problems sorted out, and then allow others to port over other languages to compact QWERTY.