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Old 04-30-2009, 08:53 PM
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wILLk0r3 818
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Re: back up software

I will chime in as well. In my experience, using a TP, SPB was a pain in the rear. In the time it took me to fix what it messed up, I could have done it the old-school way and re-install everything manually. On the other hand, I decided to purchase Sprite Backup. Now let me tell you, I backup/restore many many times a week because I'm always trying out new ROMs. I haven't had a SINGLE problem with it. I love it. If you're gonna flash/restore as often as I do, or AT ALL for that matter, I would check out Sprite Backup. I don't know how I've lived without it. In the end, your mileage may vary. =)
Carrier/Device : Sprint/TouchPro
ROM : Silence X Rhodium 6.1 Ver. 6.3
Radio : Telus 1.04.05V
Location : SoCal 818 SFV
* ROM and Radio combinations change regularly *

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