Originally Posted by ShadowDrake
Ok, I'm using a slightly older build, but it seems like preference has shifted back to TF3D from Titanium.
I'm still enjoying Titanium so that's what I'm using, but.
Does anyone else have a TON of No Subject/No Sender messages being created in the SENT folder of the messaging app?
I've got about 1700 sent messages, so it says, when in reality it's probably closer to 300. It's slowing down my messaging app to a crawl again and it's been less than a week - I'd hate to have to clear my SMS box again already.
I am not having those issues. SMS seems to slow the OS down way more than email as it is but WOW!... you must have a huge messaging database/vol.
I try to not keep SMS threads more than a couple days. Plus, I always setup non-inbox imap folders to headers only and DL the messages only when I need to read them.
sidenote: I wish that size total for SMS threads would calculate the full total, not just how big the last message was, lol.