Originally Posted by blancmik
I'm using the new kitchen (1.9.4) and I cannot play any of my video text messages; either within Arcsoft or within Windows Media. Windows Media returns the error "The source filter for this file count not be loaded"
Any one know what I need to do to correct this?
I will look at the OEM pack for that kitchen and see if I may have possibly forgot to include the media filter
Originally Posted by seebeatty
I noticed that addressing in Arcsoft (for SMS messages) did not resolve properly. I type in a name and it pulls it from contacts,... but then when I press send it shows "me to:3" and that's it.
responds fine to other messages.
when i send a text I click on the word "To" which brings up the contacts then ofcourse I pick who I want to text. This method always works for me. I will try typing the contact name in and see what happens. This could possibly be an arcsoft issue. If I find it is, I will update the OEM package.