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Old 04-30-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: What ROM are you running and why?

Originally Posted by thacounty View Post
I may remove the post about the battery. Sometimes my batteries just don't like to stay charged. If they go dead in 3 hours again though I will keep it! And yea, I understand a daily soft reset, usually I do about 6, but it shouldn't be running at 48% should it? I never had a mogul but wasn't that their problem? MR5 is great and I like it, I hope the battery lasts longer today. Of course I won't be texting near as much because I won't be in class hahaha. I also forgot to mention that I was out of service for about an hour and a half and from what I can tell that is bigger battery drainer than having wifi and bluetooth on together. Glad my review was helpful.
I know the battery thing is maddening. My Apache used to do it *constantly*. The phone would get hot and the battery would drain as if someone put a fork() inside a while (1) loop or something. Being in poor coverage will kill you, no question about it. I wouldn't attribute it to the ROM just yet though. Especially because of:

6 daily have a software issue I think. I use MightyROM5, PocketShield, and not a whole lot else running all the time (I'm a strict business user, no fluff). For RAM, I'm not sure; according to my quick menu I have calendar, file explorer, and outlook open and I'm at 39%. That's perfectly normal. If the WM 6.5 slide to unlock feature worked properly I'd skip PocketShield in favor of it, but when I use devicelock it makes the 6.5 unlock slider come up twice which is really annoying.

Hope I didn't take this thread off topic; given the time thacounty put into writing that review I figured it would be worth responding. It's nice to see people who care and take the time to put their thoughts down. To the OP, mightyROM5 is worth trying. I think you need to identify your *immediate* deal-breakers carefully (I was one of the few who had constant 5-second freezes on juicy7 - even after two flashes and hard-resets), then find the ROMs that meet your needs and stay with them for a few days while you get used to the new interfaces. I hated 6.5 at first but I'm getting used to Titanium and now I'm actually pretty happy with the start menu functionality. There are quirks (like having to go back to square one every time you make a control panel change and get back to settings) but once you get your phone set up they don't really interfere with daily operation.
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