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Old 04-30-2009, 12:23 PM
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Re: What ROM are you running and why?

Originally Posted by haus View Post
MightyROM5 for a few days now, seeing if it "works for me". I use Titanium rather than TF3D. It's growing on me, but I really wish I could make the font smaller so more things would show on the home screen.

What I really like about 6.5 is "dismiss all" notifications. That alone makes it worth the switch for me, as having to dismiss a missed call, voicemail, text, and email notification at the same time on 6.1 takes half an hour and makes me want to crawl in a dark hole in despair.

Pretty much everything else seems to work really well. The new start menu is growing on me, since it's a quick way to the apps list. Presumably as this stuff matures we'll be able to actually position apps where we want rather just than "move to top". I like the single-screen flick scrolling; no more overscroll.

Oh, and it's fast.

Thacounty's review is helpful, you should read it, though I disagree with the battery edit he posted recently. Mine is not a battery hog, so I suspect some rogue process (which has happened to me on EVERY WM device I have ever used at some point or another). Last week on the stock ROM my phone got really hot in my pocket, and when I finally noticed the battery had drained to 20% in about an hour. Same with memory leaks - I have never had a WM phone that didn't need basically a daily soft-reset to stay reliable. And I've used quite a handful of WM phones over the years.
I may remove the post about the battery. Sometimes my batteries just don't like to stay charged. If they go dead in 3 hours again though I will keep it! And yea, I understand a daily soft reset, usually I do about 6, but it shouldn't be running at 48% should it? I never had a mogul but wasn't that their problem? MR5 is great and I like it, I hope the battery lasts longer today. Of course I won't be texting near as much because I won't be in class hahaha. I also forgot to mention that I was out of service for about an hour and a half and from what I can tell that is bigger battery drainer than having wifi and bluetooth on together. Glad my review was helpful.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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