In desparate need of some help...
Okay, so here's the deal. I have a Sprint TP that I have had for about 6months now and have sucessfully modded it numerous times. Recently I took the leap of faith and flashed my ROM to the Copper ROM. Being that it was my first time I thought it would be hard...but it wasnt. Ive played with that ROM for about 3wks now and I want to go to something a little different.
My phone is still unlocked and nothing has changed since I unlocked it but for some reason, activesync cant recognize my phone after I go into bootloader mode. Im not a noob at this, ive looked into pretty much all of the forums, i googled, and i even went over to xda and asked a few people over one has answered any of my questions, and that was almost a week ago. Over here, I studied the entired thread like it was my finals (lol) and I saw that a few people have had similar problems (not completely) but either they figured it out on their own or they gave up because no one really answered their questions either.
I have tried ALL of the method of trying to re-flash my phone, from using the PC which was pointless since I cant get activesync to work after going into bootloader mode, formatting my sd card to fat32 (which pissed me off because it took me over an hour to clear off all my stuff) which still didnt work. I get some random flash that says something but it moves too fast. And yea, I made sure I put the file into the root of the card. I even tried putting the file into the root of the phone and going that direction but to no avail. I tried troubleshooting my activesync which included reinstalling it but that didnt help either.
I have literally done EVERYTHING that I could think of and nothing has worked. If anyone can help a fellow Geek out that would be very much appreciated...
“Aspire to be like Mt. Fuji, with such a broad and solid foundation that the strongest earthquake cannot move you, and so tall that the greatest enterprises of common men seem insignificant from your lofty perspective. With your mind as high as Mt Fuji you can see all things clearly. And you can see all the forces that shape events; not just the things happening near to you.”
--Miamoto Musashi