Originally Posted by mwalt2
The only problems I have had with Calc's 21043 and 21501 kitchens have been playing mp3's. Playing mp3's with either WMP and CorePlayer causes the phone to reset almost every time. Has anyone found any solutions to this? I've tried cooking with/without HTC audio manager and booster.
+1 for the mp3 playback resseting the phone, i'm using Calcu's 4.7 1st beta
As other posters have mentioned have you tried changing your nueDynamicClock settings? If you've used Calc's ROM's before without issue (before 4.6) then this is quite possibly the problem. Go to start-->settings-->system--processor and change the 'on suspend' setting to something higher than 19.20MHZ (start with 256mhz to see if it stops the problem, and then if you still want your device to clock lower on suspend, you can lower the setting one at a time to check stability)