yes, 21215. at this time. 6 AM Central time that is the only new build we have. 21502 is not yet released, and it might not be released at all. so for right now this will only include 21215
Here is the Core SYS. I also added in the 0409 files in a seperate folder I did not do the dpi 192 or dpi 96 files, you will need to grab those from your current sys you are using. I also added a few other things in there. Random 6.5 files. has well has an OEM of netcf 3.5. Since netCF3.5 is going to be shipped with 6.5, i figured i should add it. This is from the 21501 rom i had. it is RTM so everyine enjoy it. All the files are there. Hope everyone enjoys this build.