Originally Posted by Nimdock
Would you please share what you did to fix the uninstalling issue? I am not using your rom but I am using the same exact set up...
Also, where did you get your hands on a newer spb shell?
Here is what to do. Thanks to scrosler! he showed me how to fix it.
Yah, I figured it out... It was a security setting that was in the AutoRUN OEM.
Here are the default values:
I removed the three lines and left the
IM pretty sure its the 1005 line causing the issue. Becarful when playing because these values can also knock out SD AutoRUN ;c( So I know at a minimum you need the 101A key. Not sure about the others.
Originally Posted by selders59
Don't know what is up with this but I did retry to dl and got the samething and this only has happened with this rom. I dl'd another rom (merdinh's) right after yours and his rom opened with winrar with no prob.
thats weird no one else is having a problem.
what one are you downloading? sprint?
ill dl it and check