Originally Posted by Magoo_215
Ok Ok... so if Verizon gets them then its only a matter of time before Sprint get them dont you think??? Both cdma so hard could that be? Apple will take over the mobile world cuz deep down we all would take an IPhone if we could stay with our provider.
not true.
i despise the iphone.
its a nice phone,but only for non power users.
only think i want from iphone is the glass screen,
not the resolution or colors,
just the glass screen so i dont get scratches but i can deal with ppc's plastic screen thanks to screen protectors. and then multi touch. but wm7 will take care of multi touch.
so wm7 will crush the iphone.
edit:forgot to mention i use to work for apple and use to love macs,but now like linux instead as macs are becoming to popular and people will start writing viruses for macs more often.