Originally Posted by quick99si
I got tired of the currently available psshutxp skins for the Touch Pro. I like the stock look of the Diamond one but it's not very OEM looking if it says "Diamond" on it
So here's a quick one I pieced together. Unfortunately I can't credit the original idea because it's been a while since I've downloaded it (PM me if you made the Diamond one and I will edit this post).
Download the psShutXP app here: http://ppcsoft.narod.ru/english/
Install skin: download and copy the 2 files below into the following directory -> Device\Program Files\psShutXP
Originally Posted by LilRico
just copy the 2 posted files in /Program Files/psshutxp.
Hello all I just noticed this thread and I like the idea of having this skin, BUT prefer the edited version of psshutxp, that pops up when you hold the power button, sooooooooooo......
I made a cab for it with this skin
Here it is for all to enjoy.
If this has been done before, or anybody have other nice TP skins, lemmy know!