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Old 04-29-2009, 04:39 PM
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Re: SPB Mobile Shell 3.0!!

Originally Posted by MrHawaii View Post
I posted a link to a CAB that enables a third button on the bottom of the screen which would give you LAUNCHER, MENU, CONTACTS. I would think if they got MENU in there you could presumably put something else in there like Show Today, ETC.
This is how they added the menu button. If someone wants to take a stab at it and add other things, that would be nice.

Originally Posted by Lucas0511 View Post
Turborepu over at Modaco took the time to write down how to add a 3rd button manually to the menubars in the Pro and Life panels, but also in the others:
"the qa_layouts contains various xml files.. if you know how to edit that you can make the three button or 4 our how ever many you figure you can fit if you make the images. if you want to avoid making changes and without the ability to revert to the original files, just save your new "menubar" file as something like "menubarcustom" or menubar3 4 etc..(menubar2 is already used by spb)
The pro screen(lockscreen) and lifestyle screen(lockscreen2) use menubar.xml
the weather, time and carousel use menubar2.xml
the call log(calllog), favorite contacts(favcontacts), and spb contacts(spbcontacts) use menubarcontacts.xml
towards the top of the xml files for any of these pages(lockscreen, lockscreen2 etc etc) you will see
"<Layer Name="Menu" Dialog="MenuBar" />"..
Menubar refers to the menu it will use.. so say you made a new MenuBar files but called it "MenuBarcustom", you'd then have to go into the screens that you want to use this one on, and make it be " <Layer Name="Menu" Dialog="MenuBarcustom" />"
You'd do this for any of the screens you need this on..
if you go into the menubar.xml you will see this towards the top.
"- <Plugin Class="Spb.LSP.MenuBar" Name="Btn0" ID="1">
<String Name="Backgrd" Value="MenuBackgrd" />
<Int Name="GlobalIcon" Value="216" />
<String Name="Text" Value="Launcher" />
<String Name="Open" Value=":LAUNCHER" />
- <Plugin Class="Spb.LSP.MenuBar" Name="Btn1" ID="2">
<String Name="Backgrd" Value="MenuBackgrd" />
<Int Name="GlobalIcon" Value="217" />
<String Name="Text" Value="Contacts" />
<String Name="Open" Value=":FAVORITES" />"
there is more, but this refers to the two buttons, you can also see here that they have the "text" value which is the text you see on the menu.. this part of the file also defines the plugin, so say you wanted to add a third button like in the post above me, you'd have to copy the same layout of one of those buttons and change the values reflect what you need it to do..
"- <Plugin Class="Spb.LSP.MenuBar" Name="Btn2" ID="3">
<String Name="Backgrd" Value="MenuBackgrd" />
<Int Name="GlobalIcon" Value="217" />
<String Name="Text" Value="SpbMenu" />
<String Name="Open" Value=":SPBMENU" />"
it is important to change the top line "name" value because when you edit the actual placement of the buttons, further down in this file, it refers to the "name". i changed the btn id to 3. i have no clue what that does... but it seems like the all have their own ids.. probably for some spb reason, maybe for changing values when the program language is changed. for this button i dont know what the icon value is, but if you look in the menubarcontacts.xml file they reference the icons differently. NOTE: plugins added on the bottom on the list will be ontop, so if you make layout changes with over lapping buttons, the one to the bottom will be place over the ones on the top of this list.. it seems to me anyway..
now that the plugin is defined, you can edit the actual layout(look) of the menu. if you scroll down you will find the layout names and what not.. and there you need to duplicate the btn0 or 2 and make it say whatever you named your new button.. I named it "btn2" in this example.. and make sure you do it in the proper 240x400 or in the case of the menubar file, 240x320. then 320x240 for landscape.
the button layout definitions will look like so..
"- <Plugin Name="Btn0">
<BoundRect X="0" Y="0" Width="120" Height="40" />
<Rect Name="SelRect" X="50" Y="0" Width="70" Height="40" />
<Rect Name="IconRect" X="50" Y="5" Width="70" Height="32" />
<Point Name="BkNormal" X="0" Y="0" />"
fiddle with the settings.. they seems pretty self explanatory if you know what you are doin..
this is where you have to do some math and figure out the x/y values for all that stuff to get the buttons to be placed where you need them .. hope this helps gettin you guys started.. "
Sample screen:
SPB Menu button between Launcher and Contacts at bottom
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.