Originally Posted by binder7
In the newest version of 6.5 (4.6.4a) i install nikoan89's keyboard with no arrows and i only get the full qwerty keyboard. I do not have the option for phone keypad anymore like i did in the previous kitchen. I even comppied over the OEM of nikoan's from the previous kitchen and i still only have the option for full qwerty. Any ideas here. It cant be a problem with the OEM. It must be somewhere else.
EDIT: I have checked further and it seems as though the phone keypad is installed on the phone. However the problem is that the option to select it does not come up in the keyboard/input menu. I know this since if i go to HKLM\Software\HTC\ezsip and change BioToShowMenu from 0 to 1 the menu pops up right away allowing me to select phone keypad. If i select phone keypad, then this becomes the only option i have and it is listed as Full qwerty. I can do the same procedure to get back the full qwerty. Something is wrong with the menu.
I noticed this too. It has been bothering me. I'm assuming you are doing it in 21501, because that isn't an issue in 21043 from what I've seen.