Originally Posted by PropagandaX
Is anybody know a way to add a shortcut to the lifestyle screen to access the today screen? I know I can click the bottom right bottom and get it from the menu, but I missed the quick access that we had in version 2.0.
I posted a link to a CAB that enables a third button on the bottom of the screen which would give you LAUNCHER, MENU, CONTACTS. I would think if they got MENU in there you could presumably put something else in there like Show Today, ETC.
Originally Posted by MrHawaii
>How to Add SPB Menu button to main screen<
- Thanks to Lucas0501
Call SPB Menu from the main screen, with a button between Launcher and Contacts buttons on the bottom
- use attached cab from this THREAD
Caution: This will overwrite your qa_layouts.dat customizations, so make a backup!
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.