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Old 04-29-2009, 03:40 AM
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Re: [[4/28 Demolition Rom]] [[Mobile Shell 3.0 21043]]

Originally Posted by ibmxx187 View Post
hahaha no problem man!
i was like uhhhh i hope something didnt go wrong i was getting worried!
so how you like it so far?
what do you not like and like?
haha i need answers everyone!
also im going to change all the fonts in the next release any suggestions?
FONT , something slightly flavored so you can clearly see it is custom but not so wild that that you cant make out your own text lol.

+S2U2 and its DEMO customizations
+ FNG Board (rocks)
+ Set-up art (trippy with the little flicker going on lol)
+ Mobile Shell 3 , very nice so far
+ for all the apps preloaded, Galarm ,facebook ,CleanRam, PocketRAR etc.
+ taskbar ( my favorite because I can actually see the icons with my OLD eyes , lol)
+ Notification enhancements
+ you kept the MP3 trimmer and Teeter (thats a must)
+ System is VERY snappy!
+ BT on/off & in start menu
+ PXshut tied to power button
+ Nue Power Control Panel

- You dont really need PHM reg with Nue control panel already having reg edit
- I would like to see a few of you wallpapers in there to use for our background ( specifically the S2U2 one )

SO far thats what I see after about an hours use........... I'm sure to find more tomorrow. Good night.

SOooo this is your first rom is it not??? Smashing good job chap!
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