Hi all, I have a Verizon Touch Pro. I can't figure out how to dial a speed dial. For example I have number 1 set to dial voicemail. If I slide out the keyboard and press 1, it just dials a one and nothing happens. What is the correct means of dialing a speed dial number?
You have to press and hold the speeddial number for about 2 seconds then it will dial the speed dial. (i.e. Press and HOLD 1. Watch the dialer dial *86)
Also, what is the trick to add "extra digits" to a phone number (eg, adding the password for voicemail)?
Parkjam was almost right on the money except he forgot to mention for the voicemail speeddial it will have to be changed from pressing Phone> Menu(right soft Key)> Voicemail: [Change number]
Edit: Clicking directly on the speed dial can also take you there but some Roms wont do it for some reason.